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Emergency Contact List.png
  • Is it possible to download on a mobile device?
    Absolutely! Our website is mobile-friendly, and you can download your files on your smartphone or tablet. Just make sure you have enough storage space.
  • Do you have partnerships with other providers? Would you be open to accept a proposal in this nature?
    We currently do not. We definitely can look at a proposal to add additional valuable service or resource.
  • How to I create an account?
    Upon Checkout you will be given chance to sign up or on our main menu will have "log in" option to start the registration.
  • Can I share my download link with others?
    our purchase comes with a single-user license, so sharing download links isn't permitted. If someone you know is interested, encourage them to make their own awesome purchase!
  • What file formats are available for download?
    Our downloads typically come in universally compatible formats such as PDF. The PDF is Flatten for high quality printing.
  • I didn't get my download?
    After completing your purchase, you should receive a confirmation email with a download link. Simply click the link to start the download. If you face any issues, please reach out to our support team to have it sent to your email.
  • Can I re-download my files if I accidentally deleted them?
    Of course! Your purchase history on our platform allows you to re-download your files. Log in to your account, go to your purchase history, and grab your files again. if it's a free download, go back to your email receipt.
  • Do you offer consulting services?
    Currently we do not but in the future will be adding the valued service.
  • Where can I find your Policies?
    See the link in footer of the website.
  • How do I edit or remove the 'Frequently Asked Questions' title?
    You can edit the title from the FAQ 'Settings' tab in the Editor. To remove the title from your mobile app go to the 'Site & App' tab in your Owner's app and customize.
  • Can I insert an image, video, or GIF in my FAQ?
    Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Create a new FAQ or edit an existing one 3. From the answer text box click on the video, image or GIF icon 4. Add media from your library and save.
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